Wednesday, June 21, 2017

#PrayerLifeLIT : Do I Pray Too Much?

Hello, My Amazing Family!!!!

Just back with "Another One" *DJ Khaled voice with a Spongebob sly eye
Y'all know how goofy I can be, it just gets the best of me and I really can not help it (LOL). 

Anywho, today is the LOVELIEST Day of the week the beautiful Wednesday, where we are right at the peak of it ending BUT right in the middle to have encouragement to keep going. Such an amazing feeling to have another opportunity to press forward in the week to accomplish goals before the turn up the weekend or  for me a camping trip with my family. So I am here and excited!!

Last night, I was on Facebook and just so happened to read an article that talked about being married to someone who operates in the prophetic realm, reading it I related so much, it was weird. Not to even encourage that I operate in the prophetic realm, just it was so close to who I am becoming. I prayed that God just reveal more than ever  on who I am called to be which lead me to think back over my journey. The things that God has allowed me to go through and experience was exactly what needed to happen in order to be the woman I am today. The article mentioned overly praying over everything and even praying LITERALLY all the time. Though, I related I couldn't help but to ask myself...Do I pray too much?

I pray everyday, all day. I pray when I am happy because I know how it feels to be sad. I pray when someone else is hurting and pray for their healing. I pray DAILY that God allows everyone to have an encounter with Him and even at times I feel like I don't pray enough or didn't pray the "right way". I pray that God fixes that and allow my prayers to be effective. I truly believe God's word, I believe that when we pray we are going to God in confidence knowing the anything we ask according to His will, He hears. (1 John 5:14)

My absolute favorite thing about prayer is knowing that in His will HE HEAR US!! 

You mean to tell me that my outcries, my begging and pleading, my expectations, my heartache, my brokenness, my loneliness, and through my confusion that He hears little ole me? I am absolutely OBSESSED with my Heavenly Father. The bible says in 1 Chronicles 16:11 "Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always." Exactly why I encourage such a heavy prayer life, especially dwelling in the prophetic realm where spiritually you are always being "dealt with", it is necessary that we find time to go into prayer multiple times in a moment.

That article encouraged me to pray so let us:
Father God, my heart, my love, my King....Thank You! Thank You for hearing us. Thank you for being so present at all times that when we are in need you are there to pick us up, pat us on the back, dust us off, and place us back in the right direction. Thank You for loving us despite our wrongs, Lord we just want an encounter with you. Show up more than ever, reveal Your heart more than ever. Lord, We are who we are today because You used our mistakes. Like in the Ephesians 1:18 prayer says "I pray that eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,". Thank You for Your spirit and all You have planned for our lives whether it's hurt or happiness. We praise Your holy name in Jesus name. Amen.

I encourage you to enhance and increase your prayer life for this is where blessings are being answered and where miracles are happening. So to answer my question, no I don't pray too much. I have come to the understanding that prayer is where I find my peace and joy by asking for peace and joy. Prayer is where I experience the move of God and always feels His presences by calling on His name. Prayer, for me, is where I kill the enemy and all of His negativity. It's where no weapon formed  against me will prosper and where I am able to find happiness in the mist of my mental tornado storm. Prayer is where I honor, glorify, and love of the Lord because at times I am too prideful to show it in my actions. Prayer is EVERYTHING to me and I will not limit something that place me closer to God for I need Him every second, minute, hour...moment of each and everyday.

Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry

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SnapChat: lovelyyyybre
FB: Queendom Heights

💛Be Blessed💛

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Yielding & What It's Done For Me

Hey Family!!!!
More than ever I have been taking the necessary steps to make sure that I am hearing from God. More than ever I have been making sure that I am being obedient in my life. More than ever I have been making sure that I am yielding to the Holy Spirit and being used in all the things I do whether it's writing, creating, speaking, loving, or simply lending a helping hand. I want to make sure that God personally knows more than ever how much I love and appreciate Him.

Lately, I have been challenged more especially in areas where I knew I needed growth in. Finding and figuring out my way is important to the lifestyle that I have chose to live. Not sacrificing for what I believe is a complete hinderance to the people I am suppose to help and at what point do we stop thinking about ourselves and start walking in the spirit of serving ?

There are times where the tugging of my heart and the burning in my belly is too overwhelming to sit back and let nothing be said or done. The Lord knows I don't like speaking into people lives because there is always a sense of doubt that maybe or maybe not they will recieve it. That has always been a dilemma with me, God is so good though, every time I have done it, it has been well received and needed. Yielding to the Holy Spirit has been the most empowering thing I have ever been apart of. It's a great way to help others and be a blessing  to the world.

Here are a five things that Yielding to the Holy Spirit taught me:

1. Lives are changed: Surrendering to the Holy Spirit allows us to be a blessing to others and be the voice of God.

2. Getting to know who God is: surrendering allows us to know how God feels about us outside of the Bible. He proves himself and teaches us His heart, ways, and the way He thinks.

3. Love: Yielding teaches us how to love like the Lord does and care for our neighbors as the Lord does.

4. Opening up my heart: speaking as God does or serving as He does is the perfect way to truly open our hearts and conquer our selfishness.

5. Becoming bold: this is my absolutely favorite thing as I deepen my walk in Christ. Moving away from the shy, timid, quiet girl I use to be and enter into the bold woman of God I was called to be.

This list encourages my obedience and makes me want to go deeper to make sure that God is pleased and His people are getting served. For the bible says in 1 Peter 4:10 "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms". It then deepens in verse 11, saying "If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ, To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

This only confirms even more, as I yield to the Holy Spirit, God's unmatching strength takes over and allows His power to saturate us. This move of God then takes over and uses us in more ways then we could ever imagine. Whether it's prophesying to someone, encouraging them, getting them a much needed bible verse or scripture, the yielding and act of obedience is so worth it.

So family today, I encourage you more than ever. YIELD TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, surrendering yourself more the ever will show you a different side of yourself and God that you would've never imagined.

May you all be blessed!! I pray that God deepens our revelations of who He is and allows us to walk into exactly who He called us to be. 
Today mediate on 1 Peter 4: 10-11, also pray on the our ability to yield to the Holy Spirit more then ever but also revelations from above. 
Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry

*Follow Me On Social Media For Updates*
Snap Chat: lovelyyyybre
FB: BreShay Warnsley

💛Be Blessed💛

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Dating The Right Way?

Hey, My Beautiful Family!!!

Lately I have been experiencing some interesting things when it comes to "dating" or "getting to know" someone. It's like if guys aren't intimidated to talk to me, they are making assumptions on the kind of woman I am and where my values lay, or they under underestimate my standards maybe because I have a sweet, welcoming face. I don't say that as a bad thing, I just think that if you don't have any teeth in your mouth your approach should be minimal or you should find a way to fill me out before going in for the kill, but that's either here or there!

Though, I don't judge the extent others have been blessed physically. I do judge how you take care of yourself because at some point we got to the point where teeth didn't matter and I have to say that this is a problem sir. I am probably one of the simplest people someone can date. I don't ask for much but for us to truly be best friends and for you to keep your word AT ALL TIMES. If you say you will love me forever, that's exactly what I expect. Though maybe that's a lack on my terms, because in reality I don't even know if that's enough. Maybe me asking for too little opens that door for so many things to come in, "the list" of a relationship is what keeps the relationship in check and as soon as one of those things are jeopardized its fair game to throw the towel in. I don't think like that and maybe my need for openness hinders the strictness guys need.

When did relationships become so complicated?
Before we even get a chance to say "Hello", we are a challenged and flooded with superficial appearances and societal goals. Everyone has an opinion on what we need in a mate and who we look good with, not knowing the daily struggle to simply be sweet to each other. Though, we hold it together for the sake of "the church". God allows us to have free will, so I ask does your free will focus on happiness, growth, and God or your attempt to make God happy? (email me if this confuses you). God doesn't need your approval to be happy nor does He need you to be looking over your shoulder with the hopes of making Him smile knowing you are miserable. Which opens a whole other line of sin that I can talk about in different post.

See me, I am HAPPILY single and ACTIVELY preparing for marriage, there is no rush but I can't help to think does my desire to get married overshadows my desire to be in a Godly relationship. We must understand that even the slightest approval/disapproval from our parents, friends, and even society takes us out of the will of God. Does your relationship glorify God or what your parents want for you? Our we truly taking the time to ask God what we need in a helpmeet? Do we even know our Godly purpose to even be asking for a purpose partner?

Family, stop letting people regulate with God has for you by putting their opinions before God. We must be extremely eager to seek His face and voice over that of others who may love us but didn't create us. We must be fearless when it comes to walking into things that are ordained for us. Today, I pray that we can be honest with ourselves that though they may physically meet the requirements do they match them spiritually. I pray that we are checking our God list twice not only for what they do in the church but what they can do for us personally. Our helpmeets does not sleep with our parents, friends, or family....What are you doing to secure your future?

Today ask God to simply reveal and mediate on what He wants!
Lets us Pray: Father God, we just want to thank you! Thank You for our helpmeets and thank you for allowing us to be helpmeets. Though at times society and the people around us affect the way we view things, thank You for guiding us back to where we need to be. Thank You for loving us enough to send us help even though we make things seem more difficult than they actually are, Thank you for the relationships that have and will end, grow, and even be mended because you see fit and not because it's in our hands. Lord we give all things back to You. Love you more than everything, I pray that a surrender happens so that nothing is affected when it comes to the things that You want form us. Amen.

Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry

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SnapChat: lovelyyyybre
FB: Queendom Heights

💛Be Blessed💛

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Remembering My Inner Ruth

My Beautiful Family I have missed you so much!!!! I hate being away for so long....I know it's only been a week BUT it feels like a lifetime. 

Whatever! y'all know how dramatic and extra I am, DEAL WITH IT!!!😂😂 
Anywho, how are my loved ones? I really do wish I can talk to you individually and just pick your brains because I have so much to tell you. For the past two weeks, I have been out of touch it's been hard to pray for myself and even worse to get things done. When you are a creator and love to get things done the enemy always finds a way to creep in and try to ruin what God created you for, that's why I had to get back to remembering my inner Ruth. 

Let Us Pray
Heavenly Father, Thank You for the opportunity to speak to your people. I never take the assignments you have put me on lightly. You mean everything to me and I truly just want to share that love with Your people. I thank You for the people who read this and will be touched by my words. I just want to be Your light, Your vessel, and to encourage others to do the same thing through the gifts you have given us all individually. Thank You for Your love, grace, mercy, and faithfulness to us, it will never go without gratefulness. Amen.

Last year, I did my first guest blog with The Eve Release (link below), the purpose of the Eve Release ministries is to initiate conversation of women in the bible and the struggles today's women go through. At that time, I was studying the book of Ruth, her challenges reminded me so much of myself so we just I always call her "My girl Ruth". She spoke directly to me and my struggles. From taking care of the older women in her life, to just doing what she needed to do in order to just simply survive, Ruth is me and I am her. If we were the same age we would probably be best friends. Her journey was inspiring not because her end result but because of the grace and elegance she had well enduring it. 

This past week made me focus on who I am in the eyes of God, my value, and where I stand as a woman. I was directed to Ruth's journey and how during her tough times she never complained or even looked back. She kept going, We don't realize that the slightest turn in our lives can change our whole perspective of the world and ourselves. A simple memory of our ex's can make us feel unworthy to be with loved, the thought of being jobless makes us feel inadequate and less than, not having a degree makes us feel as though we can't properly provide but is that what God sees? 

The ways of the world makes us turn away from ourselves thinking we need labels and titles to define who we are as individuals but what does God say about you?  This is EXACTLY why we must open our Bibles. Ruth had her whole life together, but when that fell apart she never question what God was doing in her season. She never let her situations change her name, for me I wish I knew this story before  my hard times. For my birthday, one of my good friends sent me a video of myself and I was so intoxicated I don't even recognize myself. I cry everytime I see that video because of how good God has been to me and how He has saved me from myself. Ruth, never would have let the things that she was going through change who she was as a woman. She was strong, firm, and did what needed to be done with no questions. 

Ruth sat in her divine positioning, because of her faithfulness to God's people and His assignment. She was blessed and protected along with the blessing God entrusted her with. It's funny how God gives us assignments and we choose to run away and ignore what He told us to do. Only to end up exactly where He told us to go. The story of Jonah is the perfect story but since I am talking about Ruth, I will continue. She was fearless on her new journey to just go and allow everything to divinely fall into place according to God's positioning. If you read my blog "The Divine Power" you would understand that in this very moment God's divine order has been positioning me for everything that I am suppose to walk into. 

SIS, are you still sleeping? WAKE UP! Throughout this week everything that could take over my mind, has taken over my mind which takes over my actions and a clear understanding of who I am as the woman I was called to be. It has to STOP! You are more than a conqueror, you are more than the titles and labels placed on your life, you are more than the ex who walked away from you and you are way more than the generational curses that tried to take you out! You are a reflection of the grace, elegance, and strength that oozed from the God fearing woman of Ruth. You are going to walk into everything that is meant for you, but how are you facing your biggest challenges?

The book of Ruth begins with death but by the end of chapter 2 we see the start of new life. Are you dying to the old things with hopes of entering and engaging in everything new? The death of things should change your expectations of your life. You should no longer expect but be completely open to what you will walk into.

As women, may we all have heart to die a hard death to what was, with complete expectation to what will be. God doesn't give us favor without protection and He trust us with the call He has placed specifically on our life. 
Sis, YOU ARE THAT GIRL!!! You are on the road to great things, just like Ruth. Your vulnerability and openness means you're on the verge to breakthrough. 
Do you believe that? 

Today mediate on Ruth (entity), Jonah, and pray over your journey to greatness
Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry

*Follow Me On Social Media For Updates*
SnapChat: lovelyyyybre
FB: Queendom Heights

💛Be Blessed💛

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Torture To Treasure: God's Way

Beautiful Family back with another one on Today!
I already pre-wrote this and there was an urgency to post so here it is.
Let us pray:
Heavenly Father you place this on my heart for some reason allow it to minister to someone in need. Your words and ways are so powerful and I just want them to be a reflection of Your greatness. Let it pierce the hearts and minds of Your people and leave them in awe as You do with me daily. I love You more then anything and always let Your will be done. Amen.
So often we want to give ourselves to Christ but the thought of committing and becoming a “true” Christian is what holds us back.  We can’t physically touch or see this someone that we are encouraged to have a relationship with but, we need it so bad. I will be the first to admit it, SIS, IT AIN’T EASY! Probably the hardest decision you ever make as a woman seeking the Kingdom. We have to make the conscience decision to comprehend on how and where to start. We say we trust God, we believe His words, and love Him but our actions don’t even come close. We expect to have some kind of experience when it comes to being in our Fathers will but are you doing the necessary dying to yourself daily in order to get there?
The bible tells us to keep His commandments and obey Him. Simple instructions, right? Did you grow up like me? Being raised in the world and taught about the “surface” of God but nothing deeper? Were you being dragged to a strict Baptist church every Sunday but didn’t know Jesus? When you got to a certain age did your parents allow you to make the decision of if you want to attend church or not? Did you live in a “spiritual” household with no religious practices?
You did? Girl, ME TOO!
If you were like me and grew up/raised in the world. Becoming committed to God is the hardest thing you can ever do. Though for me, I had formed my own covenant. This is where I ONLY relied on myself and what I had to offer to the world. I wasn’t super selfish and I loved people but it was all surface influenced. I only told people what I wanted them to know, nothing deeper. I had to trust you first like a real test of truth into my world (which still stands kind of…lol).  I was so guarded that my heart was like steel. I didn’t give people the chance to hurt me, so I was mean to you before you could even get to know me. I knew my life was tragic but it was what I was dealt. So, because my life wasn’t perfect and being verbally abused daily is embarrassing to admit, I shut down completely. Honestly, I reflected everything that I grew up in but I didn’t blame anybody. I was used to it, it just became…a thing.
So if anybody knows the “Christian” journey from nothing, I KNOW!!! I was not being taught how to expand into the spirit. There is always a sense of seeking for more. I am constantly wondering am I seeking enough and experiencing the right things. There are always worries of what makes my journey God ordained and who I am to possess so much in His kingdom when I am so tore up. Sis, let me tell you!! I know the hurt, pain, and doubt when it comes to walking the right path.
Are you constantly wondering, what people are thinking of you? ESPECIALLY, when just a few months ago you were turning up on social media with your friends? I understand. As God fearing women, we must remember that Jesus took care of us on the cross. Regardless of what we are going through and the emotional state we are in, picking up our cross and dusting off our crown is work that is never finish. It has to be done DAILY!! It’s a decision to be different, set apart, and not of the norm. It’s a decision to keep God first in all things and we must remember that the fight is continuous.  We can’t let up or become comfortable in our own ways. We can’t trust ourselves and trust that we are doing the work of a Christian without Christ.

The blood of Jesus is what washes us clean and you have to make that commitment daily, that your actions will reflect the significances of His sacrifices. Your eternity is at stake and you want to make sure that paradise is the aim. Sis, aren’t you trying to make it back to Eden? Committing to God only stops you from living your old life, truly committing to God will bring you into new beginnings that will absolutely blow your mind. Trusting God, allows His grace and mercy to work throughout your life. He will not leave you where He found you. You will never have an encounter with God and want to stay in your state of sin and ungodliness, but you have to commit to Him. You have to be faithful to Him and His ways just as He was when He picked you up where you were.  Making the commitment to serve His Kingdom, you will never have to worry about your past ways and the things that tried to break you.
Your salvation is His victory and you have to trust Him through it. Well, you say “Sis, I hear you but how? What can I do? I am completely lost!” I got you sis, I worked through it and I had to simply be alone. I had to let God use me every minute of the day. I had to stay committed by praying ALL THE TIME, literally. When I needed to cry, I did! I got on to my face EVERY SINGLE morning between 6 AM and 7:30 AM to pour my heart out to Him. I stayed up late nights, sometimes didn’t sleep at all, and tried to see His face. I fast for weeks at a time just to get deeper and hear Him. I dedicated everything I did to Him; walks, mediation, relaxation, car drives, and even bath time. There was nothing that I did that didn’t involve me acknowledging Him in it. I ask questions and became accustomed to letting Him truly reveal somethings to me. The blinders came off and I was able to see Him in parts of the world that I thought was just simple in what they were.
He gave Romans 1: 20 another meaning for me, it says “ For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse”. I understood, I was no longer excused for my sin and unrighteous ways for He was revealed to me.
Figuratively, I saw God plain as day and at that point it all made sense.
I was going through a season of isolation. I was extremely lonely but fulfilled in all ways. It was God, He needed me at this point in full surrender to expose me to the real me. He expose my heart, my mind, and my ways always keeping me in check. Installing new things in me I never knew existed.
I fell in love, completely in love. I became obsessed! Now I am seeking more daily, allowing Him to make me into the woman I am destined to be. The woman He needs me to be. A woman who is committed when I am broken, when I don’t know, when it gets hard, and when I beg Him to release me from the hold because it gets too hard. He is making me into a warrior, a complete servant of His kingdom, a Proverbs 31 woman, and I am committed to her and the process she must endure.

Sis, it gets hard almost tragic, but are you willing to remain so committed to God that you are willing to go through torture to get to your treasure?

May we all focus on God's ability to keep us sane. I pray that daily we are able to let go of what was and walk into what is now and no person, thing, or place can run us away from our destiny. I pray that as we a burdened with torture God gives us what we need in to one day soon reign in our treasure.  
Today mediate on Romans 1:20, Proverbs 31, and pray through your torture and allow God to reveal your treasure.
Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry

*Follow Me On Social Media For Updates*
Snap Chat: lovelyyyybre
FB: BreShay Warnsley

💛Be Blessed💛

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Divine Power

Hello My Beautiful Family!!

Missed another week. I know that's trash but due to good reasoning though. For you should know I will drop two blogs this week to make up. I don't want to waste anytime for I am excited about what God has done in my life and I want to encourage you in the Lord's divine power for I am already in tears. 

Let us pray.
Heavenly Father, we are so gracious and grateful for Your love and faithfulness. You are everything we need and more, Your love liberates us in all aspects of life which may be cherished until Your return. Lord, use us for the vessels we were called to be and shine light on all things of You so Your Kingdom will be glorified. May we all be reflections of  Your amazingness, to love, care, and serve just like you. For all things we do are in honor of You. Amen.

So honored to be able to speak on the Divine Power of God. I feel as Christians we speak on our Fathers abilities to be great, amazing, awesome, good, fantastic, and even dope but DIVINE is a word  we don't mediate on too often. It has become my favorite word to describe God and almost every time I end up in tears. 
Question, asking for a friend at what point do we (Christians) stop flat out ballin' crying on the goodness of Jesus because I...I mean my friend is tired of being a complete crybaby. BUT just pray for my friend! Fix it Jesus (😂) .

Here are three ways God revealed His divine power to me:

Though things are not perfect and I believe will never be perfect God has given me the ability to understand His level of strength and peace or His Divine positioning. God's divine positioning is just another way to say attitude, it's the position you stand in that can't be shifted or shaken due to your environment. His divine positioning keeps you from the destruction worldly hurt brings. God's divine positioning allowed me to be at the right time in the right environment to avoid all things that was not of Him. No matter who said what, actions that were done, and even in situations I couldn't handle God's presence was so thick I never had to stop to wonder where He was. One of my favorite things about God is that He does not hide from us. His presence is always known and consuming which I am absolutely grateful for.

While being divinely positioned, He was able to reveal to me His Divine order. I think as Christians we get caught up thinking that God will just completely reveal to us our entire life plan without actually considering that we are walking into our divine order as we speak. Being connected to God is one of the best things we can do as Christians, and really focus on God! As we focus on God, He allows things to just simply makes sense. The hurt that was once felt about "ole boy" just suddenly doesn't hurt like it use to, those girls that use to talk about you so loud are one day silenced, though their mouths are still moving, suddenly you just can't hear them anymore. Those family members that have so much to say about your career plan SUDDENLY don't have anything to say anymore because your divine order is in place and they can see you can't be dispositioned in your divine positioning. He allowed me to know that His divine order puts everything in order and I should fear nothing because of who He.

Lastly, while walking into His divine order. He allowed me to understand the meaning of His divine connections. You know those people in your life who you just click with? Those people who you happen to run into that are perfect for your business, family, and growth in ministry?, YES, those people you hang with that just suddenly makes sense. Vibes are great, conversation is always uplifting, and when we come together it's nothing but proof of what God can do when sinners clean up their act and become saints.

Know that God keeps His promise. I believe that standing in complete expectation to what He says is a clear indication of trust we have for Christ and gives us a divine power that we can only access. Isn't that powerful?
As Christians, we have a certain ability to access a resource others don't believe in. This resource allows us to be joyous in our darkness but know that all things come together for the good of those who trust in the Lord for the divine plan He has for our lives exceeds our little imagination. The question for you though sis is do you believe His divine plan on your life?

May we all focus on God's divineness more than ever. May we not be deceived by what we want but eager for everything divinely ours. May our prayers focus on not what we can get from God but what He wants from us.
Today mediate on Hebrews 12:1-3 & Pray more then ever!! 
Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry

*Follow Me On Social Media For Updates*
Snap Chat: lovelyyyybre
FB: BreShay Warnsley

💛Be Blessed💛

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

PT1-My First Think Test Blog: Doing the right thing?

FAM!!! Hey Family!!!!!!

I need this release on today. This pass weekend has been hectic!!!, but beyond any words can express I am so grateful for everyone that reach out to me in text, social media, or physically showing up to celebrate the legendancy of my father. For this time has been EXTREMELY emotional but through the grace of God emotions or having peace wasn't an issue. People I haven't seen in years and ones I just met showed support for my family and I am beyond grateful for it.

Let us pray:
Father God, You are a Healer. You provide a peace in the midst of the storm that no one could truly ever understand but yet, we are so grateful for it.  The love You have for us speaks volumes through the situations we go through, but aren't mentally or emotionally affected by and for that I thank You. Thank You for being out rock that we can lean on, thank You for being so big and mighty that You are handling all things while we worry about nothing, thank You for being the Most High and showering us with blessings, protection, love, faithfulness, and Your presence at all times for our continuous growth in all things of You. Thank You, we love you more than anything. Amen.

Doing the right thing can seem impossible at times so we make sure that we destruct more then we build, we tear down, ruin, and destroy things and people that we never intended to. I feel it's all a reflection of who we are in the season we are in. They say "hurt people, hurt people" and though I know that as a fact I doubt we take the time to fully support the people we love. Should we hold ourselves accountable for our loves ones?  We want to live in awe everyday of the glorious desires of our hearts. We want God to show up and show out in our lives but is it our responsibility to hold our brother and sisters burdens? To help them through? To hold their hand? Is praying enough? because prayer without works is dead. 

Personally, I don't think so. I feel that I am not big enough or powerful enough to hold my burdens and the burdens of the people around me. I can't be held accountable for someone else's journey because I can barely get through mine. I barely can hold myself up with scriptures and His word with continuous remainders of who He is daily. THIS JOURNEY IS HARD!! Christians have to wake up daily and put on the full armor of God, we are already held to higher standards to "do the right thing". It's an expectation that is set up for us that,because we are who we are and follow who we follow we are EXPECTED to act a certain way. The most hurtful thing is that when we don't it's an attack on Christ and not an attack our personal character of being a human. It's literally Jesus on the cross for us all over again. Him being crucified and not us,the sinners the ones who have free will and chose to do whatever we want.

So I ask again, should we be held accountable for our brothers and sisters? Should DAILY we be pouring into them? Saving them from themselves? or even helping them out of things that are harmful to their God given character and talents. We do have on the full armor of God right?

Think about this if you say no like I did, do you really love Jesus? because you would prefer Him get crucified all over again for this world because you don't want to step in and help your brothers and sisters? Do you think that you being a reflection of the divine connections God has provided is a reflection of you and Jesus? Do you care about the soul, salvation, and spiritual growth of those around you? How spiritually strong are your prayer warriors? 

MEDIATE, Respond, and see what part 2 will bring.

Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry

*Follow Me On Social Media For Updates*
Snap Chat: lovelyyyybre
FB: BreShay Warnsley

💛Be Blessed💛

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Worried Soul, Saves Souls

Great Day Family!!
I apologize for the distance of last week and not posting. Here it is, a week before the actually blog is supposed to drop and God has placed this on my heart. A little deeper than I intended for this week but my Earthly Father passed away so I think this post will be very relevant of my state of grief on this actual day, week, and month.

The day my dad was found dead, I only thought about one thing. 
Lord save his soul! Lord SAVE his soul...LORD SAVE HIS SOUL!!!

I need to know that one day I will be able to see and greet him again. I need to know that the pain of my heart and the grief that comes over me from the condition of living, behavior, and destruction could have a happy ending. This feeling has to be a mere representation of the outside world, that God didn't place on our lives but is a pure example of why we should stay in His will. His will keeps us from the hurt, chaos, pain, disappointment, sadness, confusion, and lust that is meant to break us and keep us apart of the enemy's army. God wants us to be bolder and better than that, His will is the light and the one thing that's keeping us. This is exactly why I chose to get baptized (April 2nd), I wanted to make a worldly gesture that displayed my complete love for Christ and where my heart is. I wanted to take responsibility in my new lifestyle. I chose to make a firm decision to hold myself accountable for what God is doing with me when it comes to personal accomplishments, leading others to Christ, and ministry. I can no longer run, I was made for this. I was born a Christian and God has mandated me for a specific purpose. 

I thought it was very important that I released myself for several days in prayer and cry out specifically for my dads soul. It was like the older I got the less I knew who he was and where he turned to for salvation and healing in the world, I refused to let him suffer. I interceded for hours. I wanted God to hear from me personally and wanted him (my dad) to be accounted for. 
The best love you can give someone is pure worship and prayer, I was not letting up until my whole heart was on the table and I was exhausted. I went into a spirit outcry with a hard spiritual sleep behind it to make sure I would be replenished, he deserved it.

I write this not to brag about my love for Gods people but as an urgency to cry out for the people you love. Daily we get caught in the world of self and selfishness. We ignore important things of life, like people and forget that daily we actually die in the world but with and through Christ we can live. Cry out for the people who you never want to be without, your enemies, and neighbors, believe above all things that the most important thing is to know where you are going after your soul leaves the flesh on this Earth. I don't know about you but I have realized that there is a certain peace you have when you know exactly where your love one is going. 
YES! I am concerned. 

As a woman of God, it is my duty to make sure I had peace with the lost of a life because I can no longer watch and pray for your flesh. I had to go deeper, tap into the spiritual realm and pray over a spirit for eternal life in the Kingdom. I didn't even know I had the power to do that.

It was midday March 18th, I received a message from one of my divine sisters. She expressed the need to reach out to me due to the leading of God to relay a message. She gave me 2 Corinthians 2:5-11 and 1 Corinthians 10:12-13.  I immediately started asking God to reveal to me what the message meant. I truly believe God's people and word. I knew it was intended for me because she wouldn't speak out unless God appointed it specifically for me. March 23rd, we had found out my  dad passed I was in pure shock and confusion. I don't do too well with death, I knew I had to go into prayer. God reminded me of the scriptures she sent, 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 NLT says "If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful, He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure."

That entire day, I took more than a "normal" human could stand, there was so much confusion. drama, and emotions going on that I couldn't even fix my mind to truly comprehend what actually happened. I NEEDED A DRINK! My alcoholic coverage that kept me sane and calm...everyone else was doing it. BUT GOD!!!! The scripture relieved me from all things I thought I needed to maintain my mindset. I didn't get angry, irrationally emotional, or even drunk. I PRAYED!!!! I allowed God to come through on His promise and give me a way out by keeping me close to Him and allowing Him to reveal and shift the atmosphere according to what I could handle. He did just that. I am no longer a slave to the things that kept me in sin, God made a way. 

As I prayed and allowed things to soak in, the Holy Spirit spoke "Pray for his soul". I stood there concerned about His soul but didn't think I was capable of having the power behind me to send someone to Heaven. I was obedient and prayed like never before. 2 Corinthians 2:5-11 NLT says "I am not overstating it when I say that the man who caused all the trouble, hurt all of you more than he hurt me. Most of you opposed him, and that was punishment enough. Now, however, it is time to forgive and comfort him. Otherwise, he may be overcome by discouragement. So I urge you now to reaffirm your love for him. I wrote to you as I did to test you and see if you would fully comply to my instructions. When you forgive  this man, I forgive him, too. And when I forgive whatever needs to be forgiven, I do so with Christ's authority for your benefit, so that Satan will not outsmart us. For we are familiar with his evil schemes." 

The scriptures speaks volumes in itself. God allowed me to know I had the power to save a soul through the release of forgiveness off of my tongue. He revealed that I will be able to see him, greet him, and have a happily ever after, after all. For I have beat the evilness of the world with forgiveness through Christ and loved him through the hurt that was caused upon the family. I had the desire to make sure my dad rested in peace in the Kingdom and God confirmed just that. He gave me clear instructions and I no longer have to wander if God had mercy on him or not. He has been saved.

Concern for the people we love is very important because we truly don't know what they go through daily and in their inner battles. We all tend to cover up the truth from time to time and though that is fine, the cover up tends to build a wall around us which distances us from truly knowing, helping, and loving each other. 

💛What does the Bible say about caring for each other?

  • Philippians 2:4 NIV "not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."
  • Galatians 6:2 NIV "Carry each others burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ"
  • Romans 12:10 NIV "Be devoted to one another in love, Honor one another above yourselves"
  • Galatians 6:10 NIV "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers"  
 I believe it's time to start putting love before all things. Forgiveness, care, prayer, love, concern are all keys to making more of an effort to press ourselves and others into the Kingdom of God. As worried souls we have the unspoken ability to save souls!! 

Let us pray:
Almighty King, we come to You in desperate need of a release to the stronghold of unforgiveness and selfish thoughts of self. We place these ungodly things at Your feet and recieve all Godly things you have intended for us to have. FATHER WE WANT TO SAVE SOULS!! Give us the desire of our hearts to bring your people closer to You, the Kingdom, and each other. We want you more then anything, continue to reveal Your heart to us so we can be the best servants on Earth. Lord thank you for the work of our hearts, hands, and feet. Thank you for the release that's about to happen and bodies that received something from this word. Father, we worship Your name, We love You more then anything. Amen.

May you all be blessed!! I pray that God leads hearts of concern for His people. I pray that we become closer as we draw near to Him for the concern of His people. I pray that as we have a genuine concern for His children our worried souls shall save souls, while His mercy and faithfulness reigns forever.
Today mediate on 1 Corinthians 10:12-13, 2 Corinthians 2:5-11, Philippians 2:4, Galatians 6: 2 & 10, and Romans 12:10. 
Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry

*Follow Me On Social Media For Updates*
Snap Chat: lovelyyyybre
FB: BreShay Warnsley

💛Be Blessed💛

In Loving Memory of My Father, May God Allow You To Reside Peacefully In The Amazing Space of Heaven Gates

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Who Run The World....WOG!!!!

Happy Wednesday Queens!!!!

As I sit on my bed, I had a slight thought that I am truly dope! 😂 I have to be so apologetic about it because I don't want anyone to think I am vain but it's just the confidence God has given me to be a woman I thought I could never be. In my previous blog, I think I hint on how God had given me a vision about myself when I was like 12 years old. I would go into details but that's for my book😏. Though, this vision was to set the tone for exactly where I am supposed to be I used it as an opportunity for my personal advancement. It didn't work out in my favor but I am still here becoming her. Better late than never, right?  

Lets us pray:
Heavenly Father, our Savior, our King. We love you more than anything. Father I ask that you utilize me, make my ways, ideas, heart more like yours. As I go forth on today allow me to reach some women that really needed to hear from You. Allow a certain freshness and understanding to take over hearts and allow them to know how they are supposed to be defined in You. We appreciate You and love hearing Your word. To God be the glory who gets all the honor and praise. Amen. 

Sisters, I am just going to have real talk today, forgive me kinda. So often we let people dim the light we have been given through the grace of God because of our inability to truly love who we are as women. Emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, we become inferior to other women and especially men because of our insecurities, battles with worth, and lack of trust in God. As we watch others and see them get their way, start their business or ministry, we attack our wonderful Father with "why's?". Why is that? do we not trust Him, do we not depend on Him, do we not love Him like we say we do? We become so affected by a lane that's not ours, when God says I have a bigger, better lane for you. I have a bigger following for you, I have more business minded people I need you to run into, and I need your pride check, ego hidden, and your vision focused on me before I do any shift in your life BUT IT'S COMING!!!!!!.....Am I talking to somebody?

Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know thoughts I think towards you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." THIS IS A PROMISE FROM THE LORD, HE SPOKE IT!!! Our God is not a liar and He does not do evil. HE CAN NOT LIE!!! Sis, do you trust Him and His ways? Do you believe the thoughts He has about you? Take God at His word. Believe His purpose on your life, have faith that He will produce, have hope in His undying ways, we serve that EXACT same God today that David served in the battle with Goliath. God wants us to have an unwavering faith. A faith and trust so rooted in Him, you can't be shifted by what people say about you or how the world views you because your purpose is dedicated to Him and all for the Kingdom.

You say; "But Shay, everyone is doing what God told me to do, now I am just lost and really don't think I should pursue it." SISTER, know that a field, area of career, space of ministry can not be saturated if God ordained you to do it. LET HIS WILL BE DONE!!! Luke 12:31 encourages us to seek that Kingdom above all else and He will give you everything you need. He is our provider, our Jehovah Jireh. He knows our needs and loves to provide for His people after His heart. Psalms 84: 11-12 says "For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, Blessed is the man who trusts in You!" TAKE GOD AT HIS WORD!!

Here are 6 ways you can put God first and be the Woman of God you are intended to be;

1. Read The Bible: Stay in the word. Reading the bible allows you to understand that what God says about you. He is a very particular God and particular about His people. The Bible is a really detailed guide through life and God speaks through it in many ways.

2. Stay PRAYED up!! Pray, Pray, Pray, PRAY!!!! Stay in constant prayer with God He wants to hear from Him. He loves hearing your voice and desires to hear your cries. Talk to Him. How do you have a relationship without communication?

3. Fast, eliminate some things in your life. God wants to show you only need Him. Fasting will gain discernment in hearing His voice. This also builds intimacy with God and increases faith.

4. Get Quiet and Worship, Praise, Mediate are ways to go deeper with God. Welcome His presence and just allow Him to dwell. Don't speak, don't ask for anything just sit and be quiet. Close your eyes and dedicate that time to Him with a focus on the Kingdom. Let Him speak to you.

5. Journal. Dedicate sometime to just sit and say "Hey Father/Dad", "Heavenly Father". Pour yourself on to Him and know He hears all (El Shama).

6. GET Convenant Sisters and make divine connections. This was the best step I have ever made! By just allowing other women of God to hold me accountable for who I am called to be. My sisters cover each other all the time and I am so grateful to God for placing powerful women in my life.

Hey! Woman of God, YOU RUN THE WORLD! Allow this to be the guide you use to head out into the world full force. Allow God to provide and guide, while you form into the amazing vessel you were called to be. Eliminate distractions, negativity, and get rid of things that are not conducive to your calling. You are a  piece of God's property and You are called deeper than any business or ministry started. Remember it takes only a few weeks for adorable puppies to be birthed but 2 years for the perfection of an  amazing exotic elephant to be admired into this world. You are an elephant Queen!!!

May you all be blessed!! I pray that God allows us to go deeper in Him. That we take Him at His word and we are not shaken or shifted by what is presented at this time. I pray that we understand it takes time for perfection to be made and though we our not perfect we are perfect because of who He is. Who Runs this??!....Yes Woman of God you do!!
Today meditate on Jeremiah 29:11, Luke 12:31, Psalms 84:11-12
Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry

*Follow Me On Social Media For Updates*
Snap Chat: lovelyyyybre
FB: BreShay Warnsley

💛Be Blessed💛

💛Happy First Week Of Spring🌻🌻🌷🌸🌺🌹

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Just Figuring it Out

Hey. 😑 (I have an attitude... lol)
So Queens, I am literally on here every Wednesday promoting and encouraging y'all in the Lord. But can I complain today. Every week I make the cautious decision to get extremely quiet and sit at the feet of Christ, not just for myself but literally for all of you!! Though, I will NEVER EVER complain about helping people in their walk. It's just at times.....I simply don't feel like it! 

It's something about reveal these cats I have in this imaginary bag that gives me life. "REVEAL THESE CATS Shay!!!" *swings royal sword*....this is me amping myself up to be honest with y'all. (😂😆😭) Hey, this is what I have come to. Just being completely real and honest with myself. I don't know about y'all but I use to lie sooo much too myself, like that time I was going through puberty and constantly called myself cute. When I should have been saying eventually I be cute, one day maybe.*pats 12 year old self on the head*. Though today with confidence, I can say she (I) has arrived!!! Yasssss *ghetto girl voice and hand claps*

Or what about that time, I use to say I loved drinking alcohol, had no explanation for  it was just what was expected from me, coming from the long line of alcohol abuse within my family. Owh, it was this other time when I thought I enjoyed smoking hookah but I HATED IT and my friends use to make me go EVERY WEEK, literally!! Like, this is one of the things that makes me feel sooooo stupid because what is the purpose of hookah? and why is it legal to sit in a room filled with a bunch of strangers and water smoke while smoking water? Things we will never know *ques twilight zone theme music* 
The thing is after a while I just stopped, so I just started going with zero expectation of smoking but all expectations to help pay...I know I am an amazing friend. Though, I don't get it (😹😹, this took myself out at water smoke) 

These are the things I now have to face up to and I'm okay with that because GOD!! *praise break* 
I guess y'all are wondering what do I actually have to complain about. LIFEEEEEEEE and the downs!! Makes you want to give up. This whole week I have been thinking that maybe, just's not worth it. Honestly, I don't truly know what I mean when I say that I just said it. It's like I put so much into life at 25 years old is fruit being released from the seeds I have been planting? This is not about anyone else's journey or being somewhere I thought I would be at 25. It's just as simple as am I producing fruit in my life and for the people around me? Am I truly a reflection of Christ? and how can people tell I'm His when I walk into a room?

Lately, I have been so wrapped up in other things I haven't had the chance to consider the answer. I have been in a daze and placing people before myself. The other day, I exhausted myself because I wanted to make sure this individual was comfortable and had everything they needed. They were in a frenzy and overwhelmed, I played the "cool/collected" role and reassured them that everything was handled. While this person was frustrated and upset. I thanked God for the spirit of just "figuring it out".

Proverbs 14:29 says "He who is slow to wrath has great understanding, But he who is impulsive exalts folly". Even though I may have some things I don't have figured out. I am just overly thankful for the patience God has granted me. My ability for self control has been the gateway to my understanding to life. Getting upset, only causes you to be upset. Your focus on how mad you are stops your ability to take action or it delays your reaction and can cause a irrational response. STAY FOCUSED!!

Proverbs 14:33 says "Wisdom rests in the heart of him who has understanding, But what is in the heart of fools is made known." Patiences heightens understanding, which increases your wisdom. If I didn't have the spirit of patience nothing would be done right. If I didn't have understanding I would always need to know why I am doing something. If I didn't have wisdom I would question why all this makes sense.

Sis, I got so caught up in questioning my ability to produce fruit, I was missing the fruit God had been giving me to share. We must, especially myself, get out of the habit of thinking that our lives are ever going to be what we want rather than what God wants. In my mist of doubt and questioning God allowed me to minister to myself. I can get so overwhelmed when He speaks to me because it's so powerful but placing that on my heart to just be thankful for figuring it out blessed me. We have time to figure it out, God is not on a time stamp so however long it takes, it will take. 

Lets Us Pray:

Most High Heavenly Father, we thank You for the spirit of figuring it out. I pray that patience, understanding, and wisdom is install in all of Your children on today. I pray over increase of time and patience to go the course until You reveal. I pray that our eyes are focus on You, our feet are following You, and Your light shines bright in our dark journey. Allow no one to be distracted or discouraged Father and if so, You quickly intercede to release them from any hold. Father, we want to do all things for the Kingdom allow our frustrations to be casted at Your feet as we pursue all things with positivity. Let our response be yes before You even ask use to do anything. You get all the glory, honor, and praise. Let Your will be done! In Jesus name. Amen.

May you all be blessed!! I pray that God allows us all to increase our patience, wisdom, and understanding. As we seek the Kingdom and God, just allow things to be revealed about yourself. EMBRACE the change, gain, conviction, and heartbreak it's all in your ability to produce the fruit God is calling you to share.
Today meditate on Proverbs 14:29, 33. Write down your thoughts and pray. 
Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry

*Follow Me On Social Media For Updates*
Snap Chat: lovelyyyybre
FB: BreShay Warnsley

💛Be Blessed💛

My Love List

Maybe ISSA Healing?

🌻Every morning I wake up, my first thoughts are with you & God. 3 years later and I still try to make sense out of it. Maybe, just mayb...