Hey Family!!!!
More than ever I have been taking the necessary steps to make sure that I am hearing from God. More than ever I have been making sure that I am being obedient in my life. More than ever I have been making sure that I am yielding to the Holy Spirit and being used in all the things I do whether it's writing, creating, speaking, loving, or simply lending a helping hand. I want to make sure that God personally knows more than ever how much I love and appreciate Him.Lately, I have been challenged more especially in areas where I knew I needed growth in. Finding and figuring out my way is important to the lifestyle that I have chose to live. Not sacrificing for what I believe is a complete hinderance to the people I am suppose to help and at what point do we stop thinking about ourselves and start walking in the spirit of serving ?
There are times where the tugging of my heart and the burning in my belly is too overwhelming to sit back and let nothing be said or done. The Lord knows I don't like speaking into people lives because there is always a sense of doubt that maybe or maybe not they will recieve it. That has always been a dilemma with me, God is so good though, every time I have done it, it has been well received and needed. Yielding to the Holy Spirit has been the most empowering thing I have ever been apart of. It's a great way to help others and be a blessing to the world.
Here are a five things that Yielding to the Holy Spirit taught me:
1. Lives are changed: Surrendering to the Holy Spirit allows us to be a blessing to others and be the voice of God.
2. Getting to know who God is: surrendering allows us to know how God feels about us outside of the Bible. He proves himself and teaches us His heart, ways, and the way He thinks.
3. Love: Yielding teaches us how to love like the Lord does and care for our neighbors as the Lord does.
4. Opening up my heart: speaking as God does or serving as He does is the perfect way to truly open our hearts and conquer our selfishness.
5. Becoming bold: this is my absolutely favorite thing as I deepen my walk in Christ. Moving away from the shy, timid, quiet girl I use to be and enter into the bold woman of God I was called to be.
This list encourages my obedience and makes me want to go deeper to make sure that God is pleased and His people are getting served. For the bible says in 1 Peter 4:10 "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms". It then deepens in verse 11, saying "If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ, To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."
This only confirms even more, as I yield to the Holy Spirit, God's unmatching strength takes over and allows His power to saturate us. This move of God then takes over and uses us in more ways then we could ever imagine. Whether it's prophesying to someone, encouraging them, getting them a much needed bible verse or scripture, the yielding and act of obedience is so worth it.
So family today, I encourage you more than ever. YIELD TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, surrendering yourself more the ever will show you a different side of yourself and God that you would've never imagined.
May you all be blessed!! I pray that God deepens our revelations of who He is and allows us to walk into exactly who He called us to be.
Today mediate on 1 Peter 4: 10-11, also pray on the our ability to yield to the Holy Spirit more then ever but also revelations from above.
Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry
Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry
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💛Be Blessed💛
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