Beautiful Family back with another one on Today!
I already pre-wrote this and there was an urgency to post so here it is.
Let us pray:
Heavenly Father you place this on my heart for some reason allow it to minister to someone in need. Your words and ways are so powerful and I just want them to be a reflection of Your greatness. Let it pierce the hearts and minds of Your people and leave them in awe as You do with me daily. I love You more then anything and always let Your will be done. Amen.
So often we want to give ourselves to Christ but the thought of committing and becoming a “true” Christian is what holds us back. We can’t physically touch or see this someone that we are encouraged to have a relationship with but, we need it so bad. I will be the first to admit it, SIS, IT AIN’T EASY! Probably the hardest decision you ever make as a woman seeking the Kingdom. We have to make the conscience decision to comprehend on how and where to start. We say we trust God, we believe His words, and love Him but our actions don’t even come close. We expect to have some kind of experience when it comes to being in our Fathers will but are you doing the necessary dying to yourself daily in order to get there?
The bible tells us to keep His commandments and obey Him. Simple instructions, right? Did you grow up like me? Being raised in the world and taught about the “surface” of God but nothing deeper? Were you being dragged to a strict Baptist church every Sunday but didn’t know Jesus? When you got to a certain age did your parents allow you to make the decision of if you want to attend church or not? Did you live in a “spiritual” household with no religious practices?
You did? Girl, ME TOO!
If you were like me and grew up/raised in the world. Becoming committed to God is the hardest thing you can ever do. Though for me, I had formed my own covenant. This is where I ONLY relied on myself and what I had to offer to the world. I wasn’t super selfish and I loved people but it was all surface influenced. I only told people what I wanted them to know, nothing deeper. I had to trust you first like a real test of truth into my world (which still stands kind of…lol). I was so guarded that my heart was like steel. I didn’t give people the chance to hurt me, so I was mean to you before you could even get to know me. I knew my life was tragic but it was what I was dealt. So, because my life wasn’t perfect and being verbally abused daily is embarrassing to admit, I shut down completely. Honestly, I reflected everything that I grew up in but I didn’t blame anybody. I was used to it, it just became…a thing.
So if anybody knows the “Christian” journey from nothing, I KNOW!!! I was not being taught how to expand into the spirit. There is always a sense of seeking for more. I am constantly wondering am I seeking enough and experiencing the right things. There are always worries of what makes my journey God ordained and who I am to possess so much in His kingdom when I am so tore up. Sis, let me tell you!! I know the hurt, pain, and doubt when it comes to walking the right path.
Are you constantly wondering, what people are thinking of you? ESPECIALLY, when just a few months ago you were turning up on social media with your friends? I understand. As God fearing women, we must remember that Jesus took care of us on the cross. Regardless of what we are going through and the emotional state we are in, picking up our cross and dusting off our crown is work that is never finish. It has to be done DAILY!! It’s a decision to be different, set apart, and not of the norm. It’s a decision to keep God first in all things and we must remember that the fight is continuous. We can’t let up or become comfortable in our own ways. We can’t trust ourselves and trust that we are doing the work of a Christian without Christ.
The blood of Jesus is what washes us clean and you have to make that commitment daily, that your actions will reflect the significances of His sacrifices. Your eternity is at stake and you want to make sure that paradise is the aim. Sis, aren’t you trying to make it back to Eden? Committing to God only stops you from living your old life, truly committing to God will bring you into new beginnings that will absolutely blow your mind. Trusting God, allows His grace and mercy to work throughout your life. He will not leave you where He found you. You will never have an encounter with God and want to stay in your state of sin and ungodliness, but you have to commit to Him. You have to be faithful to Him and His ways just as He was when He picked you up where you were. Making the commitment to serve His Kingdom, you will never have to worry about your past ways and the things that tried to break you.
Your salvation is His victory and you have to trust Him through it. Well, you say “Sis, I hear you but how? What can I do? I am completely lost!” I got you sis, I worked through it and I had to simply be alone. I had to let God use me every minute of the day. I had to stay committed by praying ALL THE TIME, literally. When I needed to cry, I did! I got on to my face EVERY SINGLE morning between 6 AM and 7:30 AM to pour my heart out to Him. I stayed up late nights, sometimes didn’t sleep at all, and tried to see His face. I fast for weeks at a time just to get deeper and hear Him. I dedicated everything I did to Him; walks, mediation, relaxation, car drives, and even bath time. There was nothing that I did that didn’t involve me acknowledging Him in it. I ask questions and became accustomed to letting Him truly reveal somethings to me. The blinders came off and I was able to see Him in parts of the world that I thought was just simple in what they were.
He gave Romans 1: 20 another meaning for me, it says “ For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse”. I understood, I was no longer excused for my sin and unrighteous ways for He was revealed to me.
Figuratively, I saw God plain as day and at that point it all made sense.
I was going through a season of isolation. I was extremely lonely but fulfilled in all ways. It was God, He needed me at this point in full surrender to expose me to the real me. He expose my heart, my mind, and my ways always keeping me in check. Installing new things in me I never knew existed.
I fell in love, completely in love. I became obsessed! Now I am seeking more daily, allowing Him to make me into the woman I am destined to be. The woman He needs me to be. A woman who is committed when I am broken, when I don’t know, when it gets hard, and when I beg Him to release me from the hold because it gets too hard. He is making me into a warrior, a complete servant of His kingdom, a Proverbs 31 woman, and I am committed to her and the process she must endure.
Sis, it gets hard almost tragic, but are you willing to remain so committed to God that you are willing to go through torture to get to your treasure?
May we all focus on God's ability to keep us sane. I pray that daily we are able to let go of what was and walk into what is now and no person, thing, or place can run us away from our destiny. I pray that as we a burdened with torture God gives us what we need in to one day soon reign in our treasure.
Today mediate on Romans 1:20, Proverbs 31, and pray through your torture and allow God to reveal your treasure.
Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry
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💛Be Blessed💛
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