Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Who Run The World....WOG!!!!

Happy Wednesday Queens!!!!

As I sit on my bed, I had a slight thought that I am truly dope! ๐Ÿ˜‚ I have to be so apologetic about it because I don't want anyone to think I am vain but it's just the confidence God has given me to be a woman I thought I could never be. In my previous blog, I think I hint on how God had given me a vision about myself when I was like 12 years old. I would go into details but that's for my book๐Ÿ˜. Though, this vision was to set the tone for exactly where I am supposed to be I used it as an opportunity for my personal advancement. It didn't work out in my favor but I am still here becoming her. Better late than never, right?  

Lets us pray:
Heavenly Father, our Savior, our King. We love you more than anything. Father I ask that you utilize me, make my ways, ideas, heart more like yours. As I go forth on today allow me to reach some women that really needed to hear from You. Allow a certain freshness and understanding to take over hearts and allow them to know how they are supposed to be defined in You. We appreciate You and love hearing Your word. To God be the glory who gets all the honor and praise. Amen. 

Sisters, I am just going to have real talk today, forgive me kinda. So often we let people dim the light we have been given through the grace of God because of our inability to truly love who we are as women. Emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, we become inferior to other women and especially men because of our insecurities, battles with worth, and lack of trust in God. As we watch others and see them get their way, start their business or ministry, we attack our wonderful Father with "why's?". Why is that? do we not trust Him, do we not depend on Him, do we not love Him like we say we do? We become so affected by a lane that's not ours, when God says I have a bigger, better lane for you. I have a bigger following for you, I have more business minded people I need you to run into, and I need your pride check, ego hidden, and your vision focused on me before I do any shift in your life BUT IT'S COMING!!!!!!.....Am I talking to somebody?

Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know thoughts I think towards you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." THIS IS A PROMISE FROM THE LORD, HE SPOKE IT!!! Our God is not a liar and He does not do evil. HE CAN NOT LIE!!! Sis, do you trust Him and His ways? Do you believe the thoughts He has about you? Take God at His word. Believe His purpose on your life, have faith that He will produce, have hope in His undying ways, we serve that EXACT same God today that David served in the battle with Goliath. God wants us to have an unwavering faith. A faith and trust so rooted in Him, you can't be shifted by what people say about you or how the world views you because your purpose is dedicated to Him and all for the Kingdom.

You say; "But Shay, everyone is doing what God told me to do, now I am just lost and really don't think I should pursue it." SISTER, know that a field, area of career, space of ministry can not be saturated if God ordained you to do it. LET HIS WILL BE DONE!!! Luke 12:31 encourages us to seek that Kingdom above all else and He will give you everything you need. He is our provider, our Jehovah Jireh. He knows our needs and loves to provide for His people after His heart. Psalms 84: 11-12 says "For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, Blessed is the man who trusts in You!" TAKE GOD AT HIS WORD!!

Here are 6 ways you can put God first and be the Woman of God you are intended to be;

1. Read The Bible: Stay in the word. Reading the bible allows you to understand that what God says about you. He is a very particular God and particular about His people. The Bible is a really detailed guide through life and God speaks through it in many ways.

2. Stay PRAYED up!! Pray, Pray, Pray, PRAY!!!! Stay in constant prayer with God He wants to hear from Him. He loves hearing your voice and desires to hear your cries. Talk to Him. How do you have a relationship without communication?

3. Fast, eliminate some things in your life. God wants to show you only need Him. Fasting will gain discernment in hearing His voice. This also builds intimacy with God and increases faith.

4. Get Quiet and Worship, Praise, Mediate are ways to go deeper with God. Welcome His presence and just allow Him to dwell. Don't speak, don't ask for anything just sit and be quiet. Close your eyes and dedicate that time to Him with a focus on the Kingdom. Let Him speak to you.

5. Journal. Dedicate sometime to just sit and say "Hey Father/Dad", "Heavenly Father". Pour yourself on to Him and know He hears all (El Shama).

6. GET Convenant Sisters and make divine connections. This was the best step I have ever made! By just allowing other women of God to hold me accountable for who I am called to be. My sisters cover each other all the time and I am so grateful to God for placing powerful women in my life.

Hey! Woman of God, YOU RUN THE WORLD! Allow this to be the guide you use to head out into the world full force. Allow God to provide and guide, while you form into the amazing vessel you were called to be. Eliminate distractions, negativity, and get rid of things that are not conducive to your calling. You are a  piece of God's property and You are called deeper than any business or ministry started. Remember it takes only a few weeks for adorable puppies to be birthed but 2 years for the perfection of an  amazing exotic elephant to be admired into this world. You are an elephant Queen!!!

May you all be blessed!! I pray that God allows us to go deeper in Him. That we take Him at His word and we are not shaken or shifted by what is presented at this time. I pray that we understand it takes time for perfection to be made and though we our not perfect we are perfect because of who He is. Who Runs this??!....Yes Woman of God you do!!
Today meditate on Jeremiah 29:11, Luke 12:31, Psalms 84:11-12
Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry

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Snap Chat: lovelyyyybre
FB: BreShay Warnsley

๐Ÿ’›Be Blessed๐Ÿ’›

๐Ÿ’›Happy First Week Of Spring๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒน

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Just Figuring it Out

Hey. ๐Ÿ˜‘ (I have an attitude... lol)
So Queens, I am literally on here every Wednesday promoting and encouraging y'all in the Lord. But can I complain today. Every week I make the cautious decision to get extremely quiet and sit at the feet of Christ, not just for myself but literally for all of you!! Though, I will NEVER EVER complain about helping people in their walk. It's just at times.....I simply don't feel like it! 

It's something about reveal these cats I have in this imaginary bag that gives me life. "REVEAL THESE CATS Shay!!!" *swings royal sword*....this is me amping myself up to be honest with y'all. (๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜ญ) Hey, this is what I have come to. Just being completely real and honest with myself. I don't know about y'all but I use to lie sooo much too myself, like that time I was going through puberty and constantly called myself cute. When I should have been saying eventually I be cute, one day maybe.*pats 12 year old self on the head*. Though today with confidence, I can say she (I) has arrived!!! Yasssss *ghetto girl voice and hand claps*

Or what about that time, I use to say I loved drinking alcohol, had no explanation for  it was just what was expected from me, coming from the long line of alcohol abuse within my family. Owh, it was this other time when I thought I enjoyed smoking hookah but I HATED IT and my friends use to make me go EVERY WEEK, literally!! Like, this is one of the things that makes me feel sooooo stupid because what is the purpose of hookah? and why is it legal to sit in a room filled with a bunch of strangers and water smoke while smoking water? Things we will never know *ques twilight zone theme music* 
The thing is after a while I just stopped, so I just started going with zero expectation of smoking but all expectations to help pay...I know I am an amazing friend. Though, I don't get it (๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น, this took myself out at water smoke) 

These are the things I now have to face up to and I'm okay with that because GOD!! *praise break* 
I guess y'all are wondering what do I actually have to complain about. LIFEEEEEEEE and the downs!! Makes you want to give up. This whole week I have been thinking that maybe, just's not worth it. Honestly, I don't truly know what I mean when I say that I just said it. It's like I put so much into life at 25 years old is fruit being released from the seeds I have been planting? This is not about anyone else's journey or being somewhere I thought I would be at 25. It's just as simple as am I producing fruit in my life and for the people around me? Am I truly a reflection of Christ? and how can people tell I'm His when I walk into a room?

Lately, I have been so wrapped up in other things I haven't had the chance to consider the answer. I have been in a daze and placing people before myself. The other day, I exhausted myself because I wanted to make sure this individual was comfortable and had everything they needed. They were in a frenzy and overwhelmed, I played the "cool/collected" role and reassured them that everything was handled. While this person was frustrated and upset. I thanked God for the spirit of just "figuring it out".

Proverbs 14:29 says "He who is slow to wrath has great understanding, But he who is impulsive exalts folly". Even though I may have some things I don't have figured out. I am just overly thankful for the patience God has granted me. My ability for self control has been the gateway to my understanding to life. Getting upset, only causes you to be upset. Your focus on how mad you are stops your ability to take action or it delays your reaction and can cause a irrational response. STAY FOCUSED!!

Proverbs 14:33 says "Wisdom rests in the heart of him who has understanding, But what is in the heart of fools is made known." Patiences heightens understanding, which increases your wisdom. If I didn't have the spirit of patience nothing would be done right. If I didn't have understanding I would always need to know why I am doing something. If I didn't have wisdom I would question why all this makes sense.

Sis, I got so caught up in questioning my ability to produce fruit, I was missing the fruit God had been giving me to share. We must, especially myself, get out of the habit of thinking that our lives are ever going to be what we want rather than what God wants. In my mist of doubt and questioning God allowed me to minister to myself. I can get so overwhelmed when He speaks to me because it's so powerful but placing that on my heart to just be thankful for figuring it out blessed me. We have time to figure it out, God is not on a time stamp so however long it takes, it will take. 

Lets Us Pray:

Most High Heavenly Father, we thank You for the spirit of figuring it out. I pray that patience, understanding, and wisdom is install in all of Your children on today. I pray over increase of time and patience to go the course until You reveal. I pray that our eyes are focus on You, our feet are following You, and Your light shines bright in our dark journey. Allow no one to be distracted or discouraged Father and if so, You quickly intercede to release them from any hold. Father, we want to do all things for the Kingdom allow our frustrations to be casted at Your feet as we pursue all things with positivity. Let our response be yes before You even ask use to do anything. You get all the glory, honor, and praise. Let Your will be done! In Jesus name. Amen.

May you all be blessed!! I pray that God allows us all to increase our patience, wisdom, and understanding. As we seek the Kingdom and God, just allow things to be revealed about yourself. EMBRACE the change, gain, conviction, and heartbreak it's all in your ability to produce the fruit God is calling you to share.
Today meditate on Proverbs 14:29, 33. Write down your thoughts and pray. 
Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry

*Follow Me On Social Media For Updates*
Snap Chat: lovelyyyybre
FB: BreShay Warnsley

๐Ÿ’›Be Blessed๐Ÿ’›

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Sis, You Deserve Better!!!

Another Beautiful Day Queens!!!
Here is a little about me! I am a very observant person. I pay close attention to detail and I don't talk much unless I have something to say. I am a complete goof ball but only if I know you will understand my sense of humor and if not the drawback is five times worse. Like I say, you either get all of me or none of me. I have obviously seen the way people treat you different as you grow and change, some treat you great, others...the people you never expect, treat you like trash. I think being mindful of these actions help us greatly with the people we surround ourselves with in our walks. This action is very critical. 

For me, I am a complete introvert. It's hard for me to make connections with people due to my inability to "attach" myself and be free with people I am just meeting. Which can be viewed, as "stand-off-ish" or "stuck up" but trust and assure I am too goofy to be either of them. Though, I am very picky with whom I give my energy to,  prefer to reserve, my time, intensity, and spirit exclusively to those who reflect sincerity. (Quote from my instagram go follow me...@_lovelyyyybre) 
But I am far from stuck up! It's hard for me to break the barriers of vulnerability and emotions because those are things I never had to deal with in my household, it was more like don't show no emotion. How can that be thrown in your face if you have none? Maybe that's why it's hard for me to date. I need a powerful man, because my ability to not seem vulnerable to a man, is my ability to stand strong in Christ. I don't relay on what man can do for me, for so often it has left me broken & wandering. I have to ask,
๐Ÿ’›Still Interested? Know that I will only be weak at the feet of the Lord and not because you say you are manly enough to hold me up but don't seek your strength in God. I am a woman of substance, not fear nor darkness....I have overcome in Christ Jesus. We all deserve relationships that reflect that of the one, yet the most important relationship we will ever have and that's with God!

Why accept anything less than the standard He has set for us? Sis, I am personally telling you, you deserve better. Not just in your romantic relationships but your relationships at home and your friends. You should never struggle with co-workers or even your neighbors, if you reflect Christ-like actions why can't your relationships do that as well? So often we find ourselves at the point of loneliness and just need somebody to be around. So we put up with any and everything to just have company. Oh, that's not you? Maybe you were at a point in your life where you needed somebody and they were "there" for you...but sis, did they serve their purpose yet? or you just holding on? Now it's time for them to be released from their duties. So, that's not you either? What happens when you are suppose to hold on to someone and due to pride and ego you release them from the role they are suppose to play in your life? So, I am hitting home?

See I am not here for conviction, that's God's expertise. I am here to set the tone of the environment that in order to be heart checked you have to be in tuned with the heart checker!! How can you serve and satisfy when you are too distracted by the people that suppose to keep you in check? How can you check and advise when you are connected to people that doesn't have your best interest? Oh! How can you live and learn when you are getting rid of the few people who actually cared about your spiritual growth and well being? HOW CAN YOU LIVE WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT GOD WANTS FROM AND FOR YOU??!!!

The bible says in Proverbs 13:20 "He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed". We truly are the company we keep, when we hang out with people that isn't conducive with the way God wants us to live we destroy ourselves spiritually. In John 13:15 "Greater love has no one than this, than lay down one's life for his friends." For the people that you call friend, are they friends that you are willing to go into battle for? Will these "friends" go into battle for you? These are critical questions!! Are we laying down our lives for the right people? Are we giving the people the title friend when we should have left them as servants (read your bible). We can NEVER forget the infamous and my favorite, Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friends". This one is so important because we to need to be sharpen and fueled daily!! The people we hang around need to be what we need to stay connected to the source and be fed in this life. It's hard daily and if they are not pouring into you then they are leaving you empty.  

How do I know? I have lived through it...I am still living through it! God has revealed and confirmed the relationships that I need to let go because of my inability to rise above my flesh and stay Christian around them. I don't drink anymore, I am not insecure enough to put other people down anymore, I am not a substance abuser, I don't have sex, I don't place myself in sexual environments, I don't enjoy profane language, hostile environments or situations, and these are things I don't seek after anymore. I had to sit back and allow God to move in my life. To be so isolated and undistracted to the point where I know God and know what is and isn't Him. I have sat with His word for days so that I am sure I am hearing from Him when I hear from Him. Sis, from experience I am not longer connected to the enemy and no longer influenced by things of this world. I can no longer say I didn't know. I AM A CHILD OF GOD! and I have ALL desires to act like it. Not pretend until no one is looking, I want my entire life to reflect that of Christ. He has also confirmed and revealed the relationships I should keep around, when I think I don't deserve them. They are constantly proving that I do deserve. I truly love Gods people. God loves His people and places things on the hearts of peopleto give and do for others and those are the people you need around!

All glory and honor goes to the divine relationships God has created for me and will create for me. I am in awe with anytime I ask for prayer, my sisters say I am covered and I know that it's true. I am mind blown when God places people in my life that will step away from everything that they are doing to make time just to pray. I am amazed when I get a text EVERYDAY from a girl I have NEVER met but because we connected, joked, and laughed we are really sisters because God is in the mist. I am overjoyed when I have relationships that were already established but are deepened in Christ so they are 100 times better then I could have ever imagined. I am overwhelmed when people see Christ all over you and just want to serve with you because they want front row seats when God starts to move and not to hate but to congratulate every step of the way and vice versa. I don't know why He does it but I am forever grateful!

Lets us pray:
Heavenly Father, I love You! Thank You for the opportunities You allow to tell my story and give insight on. Thank You for the shift You are taking us through to get everything You promised. Thank You for the relationships You have created for us to get to these places and the relationships You will maintain. Thank You for the relationships You will mend because they were never meant to fall apart. Thank You for giving us the hearts to let go and move on for You are so intentional in all Your ways. We trust You Father every step of the way. Give us the desire to be more like You, to love, to forgive, and see things just as You do. Thank You for Your heart and not hiding when we need You most. Thank You for all that You do for we are forever in debt to Your grace and mercy. Thank You for all You do, in Jesus name we pray. AMEN. 

May you all be blessed!! I pray that God leads hearts in all relationships. That we have the ability to discern what is and what isn't. I pray that we have the hearts to forgive all, hold on to those we are suppose to and to let go of those who are suppose to be let go of. May we all be guided by God every second, minute, and hour of everyday. I love y'all and thank God for everyone of you! Let's build the Kingdom to His liking with relationships that reflect who He is. 
Today meditate on Proverbs 27:17, John 15:13, Proverbs 13:20, pray over your relationships and pray with those people who you have relations (Godly Relations) with.
Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry

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Snap Chat: lovelyyyybre
FB: BreShay Warnsley

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Wednesday, March 1, 2017


If you know me, you would have looked at the title and thought that this post was about Big Sean's new album. That just maybe I have taken the time to listen to it (I will listen eventually ๐Ÿ˜ฉ) and get the encouragement to be influenced but NOPE, God dropped this in my spirit last night. He told me to tell my story, one thing people don't understand is going to Christ is a decision. This decision is made personally and is understood, that we need Him more than we could ever truly understand. While also understanding dwelling in His presences is a commitment we make DAILY as me take the proper steps to be like Him!!!

Let us pray:
My amazing Heavenly Father, we love you so much. You are everything to us, all we are and all we have. We give our all to you. Father as we surrender ourselves to you at this very moment I pray that Your words shines out and people are touched by You and not what I have to say. I pray that You overshadow everything and Your glory is more understood than my testimony. Father I thank You for just being You. You are the source of all things and make our desire to treat you as such deepen. We love You more then anything that once had our attention, I ask that as we cast our distractions at Your feet You loose them from us and give us a continuous desire to flee from these things. Spirit of God fall fresh on us we need Your presence!! Fill our hearts with Your love daily. Father, we lift up your name. All who loves the Lord says. Amen!   

After that post last week about my grandmother, I was truly nervous about this one. How in the world could I follow backup with greatest after that woman ooze great, but I had to understand it isn't a competition. When God had placed #iDecided on my heart the carnal girl in me (not on surface, DEEP down in me...I really did give my life over ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜†) told Him I didn't listen to Big Sean's album because I was fasting and didn't have time in the next two days or such. LISTEN!!!! God is really still working on me (๐Ÿ˜‚), don't judge me judge yourself because I was really confused as well. How is God keeping my mind and gone send me into a battle where I'm taken back to my roots of being a "hustler" and "grinder". Side story: I am from the hood but I use to be a thug/ gangster girl in my head. Believe me though my mother CONSTANTLY reminded me I wasn't about that life. Reason why I am obsessed with my headphones she NEVER let me listen to rap out loud or the very ignorant levels I chose but that neither here or there (๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜†).
So I'm in a bit of pickle trying to understand what the Lord is talking about. He then reminded me of this weekend with my friends. 

February 27th was my birthday though my group of long distance sisters from college (The FAB 5) DECIDED to clear their schedules to fly in from Texas, drive in from Flint and Illinois, and step away from prior engagements to be with me, though they didn't have to. During our girl talk, God reminded me of the shift He had spoke about at the beginning of the year. He says "This is where it starts", I immediately started crying (I have never cried so much in my life until #iDecided to follow Christ๐Ÿ˜) I had become so worried when God spoke about the shift because it felt like He was going to do it right away. Little did I know right away was already in the works. So often we get caught up thinking that God is shifting in the natural, we are too selfish to even consider the heavy duty work that is going on in the spiritual realm to protect you from that things that tries to convince you God isn't real or on your side.Though #iDecided to keep going and keep my faith because I take God at His word and trust Him more then anything. 

#iDecided is a reflection of the decisions we make as Christians. It becomes deeper then just confessing that "Jesus is Lord" or repenting for our sins, especially if we don't make the conscience decision to flee from them. I need spiritual fruit to be produce from me, I want to be an asset to His Kingdom, a true servant, instead of always taking without putting anything back. I want my journey to be a reflection of why so many seek Christ because my light is so bright. Psalms 119:105 says "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path", this scriptures always reminds us that when we decide to follow Christ His light becomes our guiding force and it can't be dimmed unless you decide to let it burn out. 

Deciding to follow Christ doesn't start with a complete transformation over night. Once #iDecided to follow I prayed over a pure walk, pure heart, pure worship, especially after so many "play" church. I wasn't from a church going family so I didn't want to pretend that I had been there. I wanted the presence of God to dwell not because what I wore or what I said/how I said it but because of my worship, prayers, and how I treated His people. I want my purity for God to shine even on my worse days and through my hard time. I want people to understand that deciding to live a Christian life is knowing your Father and understanding His plans for you. Everyone is different and can't handle your battle. 

While mediating on #iDecided, God gave me Hebrews 12. I am reading over and over again. Sis, know that because you decided to follow Christ. God is going to take you through somethings but you shall not give up because its proof that He loves you. When #iDecided to follow Christ I lost everything, but I remembered where I had came from and that I could have really been in hell. God gave me that strength and peace I needed to understand that I had to go through because my walk/journey isn't about me! It's about getting people saved and understanding the fruits of labor when you walk in the purpose and destiny of God.

Know that God loves you despite any and everything you think He will deny you for. Today, #iDecided to continuously give myself away so that God can use me in every second, minute, hour of each day. I challenge you to do that same thing. Open your bible to know how God really feels about you, how He wants to use you, and the riches He gives when you allow Him to reign over your life.

May you all be blessed!! I pray that God leads hearts. That because #iDecided little ole me from the eastside of Detroit, no spiritual background, no spiritual fruit being sown into me as a child by my parents, just my love for God is enough at this very moment. That I am able to grow, teach, and encourage in the word to unbelievers. I pray that you reading this find boldness in yourself to decide to truly live for God, spread your testimonies, and become fearless in Christ so we will all be able to say HASHTAG iDecided!!! Decide to me made new.
Today mediate on Hebrews 12 (Entire), Psalms 119:105 pray over your process to deciding
Meanwhile, check out me and other women of God guest blogs with the Eve Release ministry

*Follow Me On Social Media For Updates*
Snap Chat: lovelyyyybre
FB: BreShay Warnsley

๐Ÿ’›Be Blessed๐Ÿ’›

My Love List

Maybe ISSA Healing?

๐ŸŒปEvery morning I wake up, my first thoughts are with you & God. 3 years later and I still try to make sense out of it. Maybe, just mayb...